
What Are The Benefits Of 7-KETO?

13 de November, 2022Anil Dhawan

7-Keto is a metabolic intermediate in the production of the natural fat-burning hormone called “adrenaline”. Adrenaline is also known as the “fight or flight” hormone because it helps us deal with stress and other challenging situations by increasing blood flow to our muscles, improving concentration, alertness, and perception of danger. 7-Keto is an alternate name for the compound known as beta-hydroxybutyric acid. It is produced in our livers from the natural amino acid L-Citrulline, but only when we are in a fasted state (which means not having eaten for at least eight hours). When you take 7-Keto as a supplement, it triggers your body to make more adrenaline. Put simply: 7 keto helps you burn fat faster!

How Does 7-Keto Help With Weight Loss?

Weight loss, or fat loss, can be achieved in two ways:

  • Weight loss through exercise: This is when you burn more calories than you consume.
  • Weight loss through dieting: This is when you consume fewer calories than your body needs to function. 7-Keto helps with both of these by increasing your body’s ability to burn fat. When you are in a state of “adrenal fatigue”, your body uses glucose (sugar) for energy instead of fat. 7-Keto helps to restore your body’s natural ability to burn fat for energy. When your body has a constant source of glucose, it will burn through it quickly, even if you’re at rest. But if you have an adequate amount of 7-Keto in your system, it will force your body to use that fat as energy instead.

How Does 7-Keto Help Improve Athletic Performance?

When we exercise, our bodies produce lactic acid as a byproduct. This happens because your body doesn’t have enough oxygen to create energy from glucose, so it creates it using anaerobic (without oxygen) pathways. This causes your muscles to fatigue. Lactic acid can be removed from your muscles by your liver and kidneys, but only when you’re in a fasted state (not having eaten for at least eight hours). When you take 7-Keto as a supplement, it triggers your body to make more adrenaline, which helps your liver and kidneys remove lactic acid more effectively, allowing you to push harder for longer. This will allow you to push harder for longer, meaning you can lift heavier weights, run faster in races, swim longer distances, etc.

How Does 7-Keto Help With Mood And Depression?

7-Keto helps with mood and depression because it triggers production of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that controls our mood, appetite and sleeping patterns, etc. While some people believe serotonin is produced in the brain, it is actually made in the liver. When we eat, our body uses that food as fuel to produce energy, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters. When you are in a state of “adrenal fatigue”, your liver isn’t able to produce enough serotonin to keep you happy and balanced, which is why you might feel down, anxious, or find it harder to get a good night’s sleep. 7-keto helps your body produce serotonin more efficiently, meaning you’ll have more energy, a better mood, and a better night’s sleep.

How Does 7-Keto Help With Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is essential for life, but too much can increase your risk of heart disease. Your liver is responsible for producing 70% of your cholesterol, with the remaining 30% coming from your diet. When your liver is functioning properly, it produces just the right amount of cholesterol, but when it is “fatigued”, it produces too much, causing you to have high cholesterol levels. 7-keto helps regulate cholesterol levels by increasing the efficiency of the liver. This means it will produce less cholesterol, while also removing any excess that is already there. Having healthy cholesterol levels can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.

How To Take 7 Keto?

You can take 7-Keto in the form of a capsule or powder. The recommended dosage is 1 gram of 7-Keto per day, taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. If you take more than that, it may have the opposite effect, causing your body to produce more insulin, which can make you overweight.

Bottom line

7-Keto is a metabolic intermediate in the production of the natural fat-burning hormone called “adrenaline”. Adrenaline is also known as the “fight or flight” hormone because it helps us deal with stress and other challenging situations by increasing blood flow to our muscles, improving concentration, alertness, and perception of danger. 7-Keto is an alternate name for the compound known as beta-hydroxybutyric acid. It is produced in our livers from the natural amino acid L-Citrulline, but only when we are in a fasted state (which means not having eaten for at least eight hours). When you take 7-Keto as a supplement, it triggers your body to make more adrenaline. Put simply: 7 keto helps you burn fat faster. Get your 7 keto products here.

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