
L-Theanine: It’s a nutrient found in green tea that has powerful health benefits.

27 de November, 2022Sandeep Kesha

Green tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. In fact, it is estimated that over 165 million cups of green tea are consumed in the United States every day. And it’s not just for its appearance. The antioxidants and flavonoids found in green tea are thought to have a wide variety of health benefits from preventing cardiovascular disease to reducing the risk of some cancers, among others. As such, you will find green tea almost everywhere in many forms: from iced drinks to various food products and even cosmetics. However, what makes this beverage so special?


The answer lies within its main ingredient: the leaves from which it is made. Green tea is made by steaming unfermented leaves of Camellia Sinensis plant (also known as Thea Sinensis). This process produces a substance called EGCG or epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which gives it its characteristic color and smell.

In this article we will explore what L-theanine is and why it’s found in abundance in green tea leaves. We will also review some research showing how L-theanine can help support brain health and function, as well as discuss any potential side effects that you should be aware of if you plan to consume L-theanine supplements on your own or for your pet.

What’s the Benefit of L-Theanine?

There are many benefits of taking L-Theanine, including:  It helps with focus and insomnia. If you're looking for a way to stay focused when you're studying or working on a project, L-Theanine can help. It's also great for helping you fall asleep if you have trouble falling asleep at night.  It helps with memory and learning. When it comes to remembering things—like what you ate for breakfast or where your keys are—L-Theanine can come in handy! It helps with focus and concentration. If your mind tends to wander while you're trying to focus on something, L-Theanine may help keep your attention on the task at hand!  It improves your memory. Studies show that taking L-Theanine can improve your memory over time by increasing blood flow to certain parts of the brain related to memory.  It helps with heart rate variability. Heart rate variability is an indicator of health and wellness; higher levels are associated with lower risks for heart disease and other health issues. Taking L-Theanine may increase your heart rate variability over time, which can improve overall health.

How L-theanine Works

L-theanine is a naturally occurring amino acid that's found in green tea. It's absorbed and delivered to the brain across the blood-brain barrier, where it promotes relaxation with greater mental focus and clarity by increasing the brain's levels of crucial neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). It does this while simultaneously antagonizing the effect of excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate.

L-Theanine Dosage

This supplement is often used to promote relaxation and relieve stress. Studies have shown that L-theanine is effective at a dose of 100 to 200 mg per day, but no more than 600 mg within 6 hours and no more than 1,200 mg within 24 hours. L-theanine does not have any known adverse drug interactions, but it is recommended to take no more than 600 mg within 6 hours and no more than 1,200 mg within 24 hours.

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