
Fergon High Potency Iron: What is It, Benefits, Potential Side Effects, and More

12 de August, 2022Sandeep Kesha

Have you recently been exhausted? Even if you're physically fit, can you make it up the stairs without feeling out of breath? If so, you may be iron deficient, especially if you're a woman. Although many people do not consider iron to be a nutrient, you might be shocked to find that iron insufficiency is the most frequent nutritional shortfall in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 10% of women are iron deficient.

Iron is a necessary mineral because it aids in the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, the material in red blood cells that transports oxygen from your lungs throughout your body. Hemoglobin accounts for around two-thirds of the iron in the body. If you don't get enough iron, your body won't be able to produce enough healthy, oxygen-carrying red blood cells. Iron deficiency anemia refers to a shortage of red blood cells.

Your body cannot obtain adequate oxygen if it does not have healthy red blood cells. If you don't receive enough oxygen in your body, you'll grow exhausted. This weariness can have an impact on everything from cognitive function to your immune system's capacity to fight infections. If you are pregnant, severe iron deficiency may raise your baby's chance of being born prematurely or with a lower size than usual. Iron also serves other crucial purposes. It is also required for the maintenance of healthy cells, skin, hair, and nails, among other things.

This is where supplements like Fergon High Potency Iron Supplement come in. For people who need iron support, taking supplements can become a necessity to cure deficiency and prevent any future problems, too. But is Fergon effective? Is it safe? Here are the things you need to know.

What is Fergon?

Fergon High Potency Iron Supplement is a reliable supply of iron with a rich brand legacy that loyal customers desire. Fergon contains iron in the form of ferrous gluconate, which is extremely soluble. This means it is readily absorbed and has fewer adverse effects like upset stomach, bloating, or constipation, which are common with iron supplements. Fergon's bioavailability implies that it is extremely efficient once inside your body, swiftly replacing the iron in your blood cells.

In the United States, dietary supplements are not regulated, which means that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not review them for safety and effectiveness before them are advertised. Choose a supplement that has been tested by a reputable third party, such as USP, Consumer Labs, or NSF, wherever feasible. However, just because supplements have been third-party evaluated does not indicate they are generally safe or beneficial in general. It is critical to discuss any supplements you want to use with your healthcare professional, as well as any potential interactions with other supplements or drugs.

Benefits of iron supplements

Iron supplementation is generally used to replenish low iron levels. The treatment of iron deficiency alleviates the symptoms of low iron and anemia. It also aids in the prevention of problems when iron deficiency advances to anemia. Iron supplementation, on the other hand, offers little advantage in persons who do not have an iron deficit. 


Iron supplementation can assist with iron deficient anemia. Anemia can be caused by a variety of factors, the most frequent of which is iron deficiency. Anemia occurs when iron shortage worsens to the point that hemoglobin (a protein found in red blood cells) levels fall below normal.

Iron supplementation can boost iron levels while also treating IDA. Daily iron supplementation has been demonstrated to alleviate anemia and poor iron status in menstrual women.


Iron may help with unexplained fatigue, even in people who are not anemic but have low ferritin levels (an indicator of iron stores). This is particularly prevalent among women throughout their reproductive years. Menstruating women may benefit from daily iron supplementation.

A randomized experiment looked at women aged 18 to 53 who said they were tired. Women having ferritin levels less than 50 mcg/L and hemoglobin levels more than 12 g/dL were randomly assigned to receive either 80 mg of elemental iron or a placebo. The group that received iron reported less fatigue but no increase in overall quality of life.

Strength and performance

Iron is required for the production of myoglobin, the protein that transports oxygen to the muscles. Many athletes may be getting insufficient iron from their diet to sustain their performance.

Athletes participating in endurance training, such as marathon running or endurance cycle races, may lose more iron. Furthermore, being female or vegetarian might increase an athlete's risk of iron deficiency and anemia. Athletes should ensure that their diet has adequate iron to support optimal performance.

Among one research, daily iron supplementation improved increase exercise performance in menstrual women. It has also been proven to improve both maximum and submaximal exercise performance in reproductive-age females. 

Mental health and cognition

According to research, iron deficiency lowers cognitive skills. When iron levels in the blood fall, focus and attention suffer almost instantly. Restoring iron levels to normal levels can improve focus and cognitive ability.

Is iron overdose possible?

Another typical negative effect of iron supplementation is constipation. If you are constipated as a result of iron supplementation, make sure you are getting enough fiber and water in your diet. If the problem persists, talk to your doctor about whether adding a stool softener is a good idea for you. In most healthy persons, the danger of iron excess from diet alone is low. If there is more iron in the body than is required, the body will usually reserve it for later use.

Final thoughts

Iron is one of the most vital minerals your body requires to function properly. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia if left untreated. Under medical supervision, iron supplements are used to treat iron deficiency and IDA. If you are not iron deficient or anemic, there is practically no need to supplement iron.

The best iron supplement is one that offers the required dose while causing the fewest negative effects. It should also be of excellent quality, properly absorbed, and provide good value for money. Before beginning any new supplements, consult with your healthcare physician.

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